Texas Humane Heroes

How to Help Your Cat Adjust to a New Home (So They Don’t Destroy the Furniture)

Moving into a new home or space can be unsettling for any newly adopted pet. For cats, this transition can be particularly stressful because cats become very attached to their surroundings and are sometimes resistant to major change.

The following tips can help your cat adjust to a new home smoothly and stress-free.

1. Introduce them to a new home gradually

Cats can’t always handle a huge new environment all at once. A well-known method for introducing your cat into their new home is to restrict them to one or two rooms at first, to allow them to adjust, and then let them venture out into the rest of the house on their own time and will.

Make sure to keep your cat in the same area as their food, water, litter box, and toys. Spend time in the room with them soon after they’ve been given some time to become comfortable with their surroundings.

2. Provide them with something to scratch and play with

Cats are notoriously curious and often playful creatures. You should make sure that your cat has something designed specifically for cats. Whether this item is a scratching post or something else, by ensuring they have a go-to item, they’ll be less likely to scratch your furniture up. In addition, you should get a few different types of toys for you and your cat to play with. Not only will it keep them entertained, it will help strengthen the bond between the two of you.

3. ‘Cat-proof’ before bringing them home

Cat-proofing your home is important to keep your cat and your home furnishings safe. As we stated before, you want to give your cat time to warm up to their new home. They might feel stressed out trying to take in their adoption and move, so you’ll want to make sure that they do not have access to outdoors, whether this is through the doggy-door, open windows, or doors left ajar, as it can prove difficult to get them back once they get outside. Statistically, cats kept indoors live longer because they’re exposed to less danger and diseases.

Once your new cat adjusts to their surroundings and is ready to explore the rest of the home, make sure you don’t leave any fragile or breakable items out or within reach. This means cleaning up any glassware or breakables left on tables and countertops. It also means you should think about any items you have sitting atop your cabinets – just in case your cat decides to get adventurous. Did you know that cats have a natural aversion to citrus scents? Spraying citrus scents on your furniture can help keep your cat from scratching it – all the while smelling fantastic to us!

4. Make arrangements for when you have to leave

Whether before or after you help your cat adjust to a new home, you’ll have to return to work or spend time away from the house. The time spent away from your cat can prove stressful for the both of you – your cat for being alone and not knowing when you’ll return and you because there’s uncertainty in what they’ll do while you’re away. Until your cat gets settled into the home, it’s best to make arrangements for the periods of time you’ll be away. Until you are certain they won’t wreak havoc on your home while you’re away, it may be best to keep them in their comfort space they’ve become acquainted with since the move in.

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