Texas Humane Heroes

Hero: Lenny & Timeka!

Featured Hero: 1st Quarter 2014

Adoption Date: June 2012

Their Story: I adopted Sammy in June 2012. I initially was looking for a teacup and remember when I saw Sammy; I felt he was too big. However, I traveled back out to Leander 2 weeks later to go to the SPCA. My inner voice told me to go back down the street to the Humane Society. Sammy was still there and I interacted with him. His demeanor was cool, calm, and collected. I took another dog out – a yorkie mix – but he was just a little too hyper. I had gotten over the teacup phase and compromised I would not get a dog over 10 pounds and he had to be black. Since I have no family in Texas, I sent pictures of both dogs to friends and family back home in Virginia and everyone voted for Sammy. I looked at his white coat, which is what I didn’t want, and tried to figure out how I would keep his coat clean and bright. I immediately took him to get groomed; they had to shave him bald because he was infested with fleas and matted. I couldn’t believe my eyes the cutie that was under all that hair! He was 9 pounds, perfect size! After purchasing his things, I legally changed his name to Lenny.

Everyone said I saved him; I loved on him, took him everywhere he could go, and kept him groomed frequently. Yet I didn’t know that Lenny was going to save me.  In September 2012 I was diagnosed Stage 3 (the highest) Multiple Myeloma, a blood cancer. A few weeks after chemotherapy I was found passed out and almost dead and I found out that Lenny sat by my side those three days until they found me. You can even see where he scratched a hole in the wall trying to get help. After being hospitalized for almost a month I came home, and Lenny was more therapeutic than before. If I was in another room he came to look for me, even would stand on his hind legs looking into the bath tub if I were taking a bath. I would tell him “I’m ok”; he would get down and leave. I love my little Lenny & he loves me!

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