Texas Humane Heroes

Purrfect Talker Blog: Toys, Toys, Toys

Purrfect Talker

By: Deanna Chesnut. M.A.,

Author, Purrs & Promises


To read more: http://www.purrfectalker.net


Today I went to Costco and…behold! The holiday decorations are sprouting up, heralding another too-busy season, days with even less time to interact with your home-bound pets. What’s a good pet parent to do?

Suggestions: Steal a few of their current toys and slowly re-introduce them during the holidays. Check the $ Dollar Store, etc., for cheap toys from their pet and kid departments. Do a Net search for “home-made toys”—some are as simple as tying strips of material together or tying balls in socks. Stash things in a box as you collect them, and then bring them out again around the holidays when your pets are starved for fun and attention on your down-days. You’ll be prepared even when you are just too tired to think.

My dog knowledge in this area is severely limitedI  Howevr, these look pretty good and easy! http://stories.barkpost.com/3-dog-toys-you-can-make-from-things-around-the-house/

Cats are easier, and I share now my cats’ favorite toys, free or cheap!  



That’s it for the “cheapies.”

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