November 2, 2017
Hi, we’re Nessy and Duke!
You may recognize us from our individual love letters from a few months back or if you’ve visited the Adoption Centers recently. We are both sweet, silly, and BIG! While we think there’s just more of us to love, unfortunately, people are intimidated by our size. We want to lick those fears away and remind you that we live in Texas where everything is bigger! We will be truthful, we both have a lot of energy but, unlike high energy small dogs, after 30 minutes we are done and ready for a nice long nap. We both would love a family with a backyard where we can play or active families who can take us on walks (or runs). Bonus– we both LOVE water!
Duke: I love to play with my friends! I have lots of doggo friends and we have great times playing the yard. I can play rough sometimes so having a doggo sibling with a similar play style would be awesome! When I’m not with my pals, I enjoy spending my days outside in the fresh air. I sunbathe and lounge on the patio furniture and just observe the world around me. I’m definitely an outdoors kind of guy. Camping, fishing, hiking, boating, all of it I love. I can’t wait to get out and explore the world with you!
Nessy: The best way to describe me is that I love to love! I want to lick everyone’s face and get lots of pets and booty scratches. I love my toys, like a lot. My favorite is my blue whale. When people come say hi to me, it’s the first thing I show them. I love toys of all kinds, though, and hope I get dozens during the holidays! I’ve definitely been good this year! I love to play and can also have a rougher play style but after about 20 or so minutes I’m ready to head inside and become a couch potato. We can snuggle up and watch our favorite movies while chowin’ down on some snacks! I also make a great pillow so feel free to curl on up into me.
We are awesome dogs and just want someone to give us a chance. Like any dog, we could benefit from a little training so that way our size won’t be as scary but that’s just one more way for us to bond with you. We have big hearts to fill these big bodies and want to give all our love to a family that isn’t afraid of making mini horse dogs part of their family.
We are looking forward to greeting you with big bear hugs!
Duke and Nessy