Texas Humane Heroes

The Dogmom Diary: George Clooney

The Dogmom Diary: George Clooney

It wasn’t until a few years ago that I really started noticing Bruiser was getting a older. Don’t tell him I said that…he’s very sensitive about his age.

Before we found Drifter, I noticed his roller coaster energy, his desire to snuggle more and party less, and his graying hair. Although I pretended he would never get old, it was happening before my eyes.

The differences became even more apparent after Drifter joined the family.

When you have a puppy in the house who is ready for an adventure the moment your head arises from the pillow, it’s hard not to notice the little man who refuses to get up sometimes. Well, unless he needs to go to the bathroom then HE wakes you up!

Mornings used to involve the little man waking you up by running around the house because the day has started and he knew he was going outside to pee, play, walk and more. Bruiser just loves sleep now. I mean I get it. I love naptime more now than I ever did in kindergarten.

When we used to have people over, Bruiser was the center of the party (I wonder where he got that from….)! He would go up to everyone and lick them (or more…sorry friends!), bring toys to anyone who would play with him and just run circles around everyone there!
Now, he will snuggle for a bit with a few of the female attendees OR you can find him in the nearest open closet…avoiding the crowds. When he first started doing this I was TERRIFIED because I thought he ran away. I would search the house and finally find him snuggled in a corner of a closet every dang time.

When I realized this was his new thing, I would notice him poking his head out every once in awhile to see if he really was missing anything. A majority of the time, he determined he was not missing anything and returned to his safeplace.

I think the most obvious change is his graying hair. When you walk both of them together, even a stranger can tell who is younger and who is older.  I started feeling bad because everyone noticed and interacted with the Drifter first which I know was hard for Bruiser because he still likes attention.

So, I took matters in my own hands. When people stop and ask about Drifter my response goes something like this, “Drifter is about 2 years old and Bruiser is in his George Clooney years. He’s so handsome with all of his grays, isn’t he?”

I kid you not, it works almost every time! They would giggle and love on both of the dogs equally! I’m not sure if Bruiser knows I do it, but just seeing him get all excited about the new person petting him is enough thanks for me.

Just because Bruiser man is getting older, doesn’t mean I love him any less. He’s been my sidekick through a lot of things in my life and I will continue to love on him until his final days.

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