Why is spaying and neutering important?

Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast tumors, which are malignant or cancerous in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats. Spaying your pet before her first heat offers the best protection from these diseases. Neutering your dog/cat prevents testicular cancer and some prostate problems. Overpopulation can be detrimental to the health and wellbeing of the community and individual animals. Spaying/Neutering helps to keep the population in check.

As a precaution to our staff, if you feel your dog is reactive or a bite risk, please bring them already muzzled.

Spaying and Neutering Information

  • $25 non-refundable deposit is required to request an appointment. Deposit goes towards surgery.
  • Cones (E-collars) are required. They can be purchased on-site for an additional $12.
  • Fees will apply for male undescended testicles.
  • Proof of current rabies vaccine or purchase of a rabies vaccine is required.
  • All dogs must be leashed (muzzled if reactive or bite risk).
  • Please bring cats in individual carriers.
  • There is no age limit, but any pet over 7 years old will sign a High Risk Waiver. Optional to provide bloodwork for any pets over 7 but not required.
  • There is no weight limit, but all pets over 65lbs will need to be scheduled via email Spayneuter@txhh.org
  • If your dog's weight is more than 15 lbs over the estimate given, you may incur an additional fee, or the appointment may be canceled. If booking months in advance, please estimate what your dog's weight will be instead of their current weight.
  • All patients will be required to receive a tattoo during their sterilization procedure
  • Rescheduling must be done via email (Spayneuter@txhh.org) no less than 7 days prior to scheduled appointment or deposit will be forfeited.
  • Want to make your appointment?

    *Please enter a custom address when scheduling

    Need records? Click HERE to request them.

    Spaying and Neutering Pricing:

    *We do not accept Care Credit or checks.

  • Dog spay, 2-30 lbs - $200
  • Dog spay, 31-59 lbs - $250
  • Dog spay, 60+ lbs - $300

  • Dog neuter, 2-30 lbs - $150
  • Dog neuter, 31-59 lbs - $175
  • Dog neuter, 60-65 lbs - $200
  • All dogs over 65lbs will need to email (Spayneuter@txhh.org) for scheduling.

  • Cat spay or neuter - $100

    Please note: begging Feb. 1, there will be an adjustment for dog spay & neuter pricing

  • 61-90 lbs - $300 spay & $200 neuter
  • 91-120 lbs - $350 spay & $225 neuter
  • 121+ lbs - $400 spay & $250 neuter

    Additional Fees May Apply:

  • Dogs: Includes three days of pain medication. Additional medication may be purchased for $5.
  • Female Cats: Will receive injectable pain medication at time of surgery lasting 3 days.
  • Additional fees if female is in heat ($25) or pregnant ($50).
  • Additional fee for all brachycephalics ($20).
  • Drop-Off and Pick-Up:

  • Drop-Off is between 7:45am-8:30am, anytime after will incur a late fee.
  • No animals will be accepted after 9am.
  • Pick-Up is between 3:30pm-4:30pm.
  • After 5pm we will board the animal until the morning for an additional fee.
  • Spay and Neuter FAQ

    Spay and Neuter FAQ

    Should we let our female have one litter before spaying her?

    No. Females should be spayed before the first heat, which usually occurs at 5-6 months of age. We stress that this be done before her first heat, since a female can become pregnant at that age and she is in no way ready for it. Pregnancy will place a great strain on the animal’s system, often resulting in birth defects, and she may not be able to nurse, resulting in seriously malnourished offspring. In addition, early spaying prevents later problems, including mammary tumors, uterine infections, and uterine tumors. If a female is allowed to go through a heat before spaying, those problems may still arise later in life because estrogen is stored in her system as a result of the heat.

    How old should my pet be before the surgery?

    Kittens and puppies can be spayed or neutered at 8 weeks of age as long as they weigh at least 2 pounds. If females are spayed before their first heat (which usually occurs when they are 5-6 months old), breast cancer can be almost completely prevented. Younger pets also recover more quickly from the surgery and experience less pain following surgery than older pets. We do not do surgeries on pets 7 and over without approved bloodwork.

    Is the surgery painful?

    Yes, the surgery can be painful. However, we provide all pets with very effective pain medication that lasts up to 24 hours after surgery and offer additional take-home pain medication for purchase.

    What’s an E-Collar?

    An Elizabethan collar, E-Collar, or pet cone, (sometimes humorously called a pet lamp-shade or cone of shame) is a protective medical device worn by an animal, usually a cat or dog. Shaped like a truncated cone, its purpose is to prevent the animal from biting or licking at its body while the surgery site heals.

    My pet just had a litter. When can I spay her?

    We recommend spaying dogs when their puppies are 5 weeks old and can be away from their mom for the day. We recommend cats get spayed when their kittens are 5 weeks old as well. However, if you have an outdoor cat or a cat that you think may not be able to wait that long, we can spay them sooner. This is occasionally necessary because they can go back into heat and get pregnant while still nursing their kittens. It is okay for the mother to go back to nursing after her spay.

    What does the tattoo look like and where is it on my pet?

    The tattoo is 1/2 to 1 inch long, straight line in green ink located right by the surgical incision. It will fade a little after the skin heals.

    Why tattoo pets?

    The tattoo program was started so that we comply with the highest standards of the Spay-Neuter Task Force guidelines. These guidelines were established to protect our wonderful patients and ensure they are treated safely and effectively. The tattoo is meant to be a permanent identification that your pet has been spayed or neutered.

    Can’t veterinarians tell if my pet is spayed or neutered without the tattoo?

    Sometimes. Of course, this would only be an issue if your pet were lost or in a shelter without its medical history. With newer dissolvable suture materials, there are no stitches to feel in a female’s belly to indicate she was already spayed and if they have surgery at a young age, there is no scar to see. In male dogs, if you can’t see or feel a scar, there is a possibility that the dog still has testicles, but they never dropped into the scrotal sac (cryptorchid). The doctor would open the male dog up like a spay to look for those testicles, a painful and unnecessary surgery that could have been prevented with a permanent identifying mark.

    How do I make an appointment?

    Please make an appointment here.
    For additional questions, call (512) 260-3602 EXT: 104 or email Spayneuter@txhh.org.