October 12, 2017
Hi, I’m Dakota!
When you think of the perfect dog, do you picture me? You should! I’m everything you look for in a new pet and family member. I’m the perfect size, not too big, not too little, I’m sweet and loving, independent but still loyal, energetic but not overbearing, and super smart! I will never forget your birthday! When I picture my ideal family, all I see is happiness. They like to do activities together like playing games in the backyard, taking walks through the neighborhood, or even spending some time at the park. As long as my family is happy, I know I will be happy. Of course, on those bad days, I’ll be there to make it all better. I give the best kisses and my tail is always wagging so I know I can change any bad situation. Also, if you have another dog, I’d make a great sister.
My 8th birthday is coming up in a few short days and I would love to have a family to celebrate with. Some people are concerned that my age is too old, but I think that’s what makes me the perfect pet! Puppies have tons of energy, teethe, need extra attention when it comes to potty training, and all those other basic commands they need to know. Been there, done that. I won’t say I’m perfect, but I’m only going to need a few reminders of good behavior.
What do ya say? Can you give this perfect personality, perfect aged pup a perfect beginning as I move into the best years of my life?
Wishing for you,