A Texas Humane Heroes is not an open intake facility. Texas Humane Heroes gets all of our animals from shelters throughout Texas that are often forced to euthanize for space. Please contact the local intake shelter for the area where you found the stray.
i Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter
pets.wilco.org | 512-943-3322
ii Austin Animal Center
http://www.austintexas.gov/department/aac | Dial 311
iii City of Georgetown Animal Shelter
https://pets.georgetown.org/ | 512-930-3592
iv Killeen Animal Services
https://www.killeentexas.gov/233/Animal-Services | 254-526-4455
v Bell County Animal Shelter
https://www.bellcountytx.com/county_government/sheriff/animal_shelter.php | 254-933-6780