Ready Fur Love: Sofia’s Dating Story

Ready Fur Love: Sofia’s Dating Story

Pretty, loyal, and super fun, that’s what everyone is looking for in a friend, right? Well you will find all that and more in Sofia! Sofia is a happy girl that can make the best out of any situation as long as she has you by her side. She is very loyal and will always be there to wrap her paws around you and give you a big welcome home hug. She likes to explore new surroundings and to roll in grass on sunny days. Fetch is her favorite game and sometimes doesn’t even need to you be actively involved. She is happy tossing the ball around herself, you can just sit back and watch the entertainment! She is very smart and knows the best way to get what she wants (a treat) is to sit and politely take one from your hand. Of course sometimes she will try to sneak a few if she thinks you aren’t looking.

Though she is full of life, Sofia doesn’t show it immediately. She can be timid when meeting new people. Sofia prefers meeting new friends in open areas. Small spaces can make her feel scared and insecure, which is not who the real Sofia is! But have no fear, there is a quick and easy way to win this girl’s heart and it’s through her stomach! Despite how excited she is to be getting a tasty morsel, she will sit and take it very politely- like a true lady. If half your heart belongs to the outdoors and the other half to a multi-course meal, then Sofia is your gal! Meet Sofia!


What is your favorite food?

“There is so much delicious food I could never pick! I have smelled so many good smells that I just want to dive into. I heard of a day called ‘Thanksgiving’ and that sounds like it would be my favorite holiday! I am told that people sit and eat together. I sure hope my new family leaves a spot open for me, ‘cause I am ready for a big plate of deliciousness to explode in my mouth! Don’t worry, I have very exquisite table manners- Pinkies out!”


What is something special about you?

“Well, I don’t know if it’s special, but it is definitely something my new family needs to know about. I have heartworms, but before you go screaming and running for the hills, let me tell you about it. It isn’t anything to be scared of. I’m not contagious to other animals and humans can’t contract it. Unfortunately, a pesky little mosquito thought my blood would make a tasty after-dinner cocktail and infected me with the parasite in process. How rude is that?! Anyways, the nice people at Texas Humane Heroes said they would pay to get me all better! All I need is a family who will keep me calm and something comfy to sleep on. I know I’m gonna want to try and play so I will let you know that a nice belly rub will calm me right down.”


What is your favorite quote?

“I once saw a movie and one of the lines was ‘Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.’ I like that one. I will never leave my family behind, hopefully I find one that won’t leave me behind either.”


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