February 23, 2017
Dear Mom &/or Dad,
Hi! It’s me, Kai! You know, your super strong and devastatingly handsome son. The one you’ve been hoping and dreaming for. Well, I’m here to tell you that I’ve been dreaming of you, too. I dream of the day we wrestle in the yard together or go for long runs, maybe pump some iron- whatever you’d like! I’m just ready to start living! I get a lot of people who come visit me and play with me in the yards, but they aren’t you. They can’t keep up with my play style and some people say I have too much energy. That’s why I’m waiting for you. I don’t want a boring family, I want a family who can play all day with me. One who is looking for a running partner or join them at the CrossFit gym. You are my person and I will always be there to motivate you.
While I’ve been waiting for you, I’ve also learned some pretty cool things. I’m learning that sometimes people don’t want to run, especially when they attached that rope to me so they don’t get lost. Apparently walking is preferred. So I’m learning to “walk nicely” as these people put it. I’m also learning to sit and lay down. I don’t really like lay down very much, but I get treats so I guess I will do that, too. I also learned a new game called “Fetch” and it’s my favorite! I love running as fast as I can to chase that bouncy thing! I hope I can play with you when we finally go home together.
So let’s recap– I love exercise and playtime and so do you. I am smart and you are ready to teach me lots of new tricks. I love fetch and you don’t have anyone to bring back the bouncy thing after you throw it. Sounds like we go hand-in-hand. So how about you turn your dreams into a reality and take me home already!
Patiently waiting for you,