Pack Pride: Caitlin the Senior Vet Tech
This week’s Pack Pride is our veteran Vet Tech Caitlin! Caitlin is our senior Vet Tech and has been working here for seven years! Caitlin’s biggest job is helping our sick animals recover to find happy homes. That is the most rewarding part of her job, seeing a sick animal come in and get healthy so they can find their forever family. Caitlin herself has taken in a few of these animals. She adopted two dogs, Bitsy and Amelia, and a cat, Samwise, from Texas Humane Heroes. Talk about bringing your work home!
Originally, Caitlin was a part time kennel tech here and had another animal related part time job. She worked her way to full time and into the vet tech realm. Now she is one of our most beloved team members. Caitlin is in charge of our animals’ health at the adoption center but that’s not the only leadership role she has. In her free time, Caitlin plays Dungeons & Dragons and is the head of an all girls group. D&D is only one of her many hobbies which include playing video games, watching anime and singing in the Austin Women’s Chorus. Even at home Caitlin has animals to care for. How many animals you ask? Eleven snakes, three dogs and a cat. This is one animal loving gal, that’s for sure! There is even more to Caitlin than all that. Her proudest accomplishment was graduating from the University of Texas with a degree in Asian Studies and a minor in Japanese. Another fun fact is all of her dogs are agility trained! She trains them at the Travis Agility Group (TAG) whose training course is located at our Leander location.
Wonder what a typical for Caitlin is like as a Vet Tech? She starts with vaccinations and handing out medication to our sick animals, then leads into other tasks like cleaning and doing lime dips for ringworm. During her time here, a lot of the procedures for treatment and sanitary practice have greatly improved. One of Caitlin’s favorite parts of her job as Senior Vet Tech is getting the chance to cuddle with puppies. Sounds like the best job perk ever!
We are all very grateful to have Caitlin’s help and enthusiasm at Texas Humane Heroes and she just received Employee of the Month for January! She is here five days a week, Sunday through Thursday, at our Leander adoption center. Next time you are here and you see Caitlin, let her know that you appreciate all the work she does to save animals’ lives.